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Over 135 Years of Combined Experience in Our Field

WIMS has an impressive inventory of every tool we need to fulfill our client’s needs. You can count on the level of reliability and craftsmanship we’ve had for over 50 years. With over 135 years of combined experience on our team, WIMS can offer repair services and machining options utilizing any of the following equipment:

Gray Planer

6ft. x 6ft. x 38ft. Capacity w/ Milling head and 5 ft. turntable.

Maxturn Lathe

16” Swing x 60” Between Centers’s

Giddings & Lewis

5” Horizontal Boring Mill (5ft. x 12ft. table) w/ Bed extensions, Angle Plates and a 5 1/2ft. Tail stock.
4” Horizontal Boring Mill (4ft. x 6ft. table) w/outriggers.

Monarch Lathes

40” Swing x 17ft. between centers.
30” Swing x 8 ft. between centers.

Jet Lathe

14” Swing x 36” between centers.

Surface Grinders

Gallmeyer Livingston #65-12” x 48” with 6” x 36” Sine Magnet
DoAll 10”x 21”

Fryer Lathes

ET30-35” Swing x 160” between centers
ET21-21” Swing x 60” between centers.

CNC & Manual Machining

MilTronics CNC Bed Mill 30” x 60” x 32”.
Proto Trak CNC Bed Mill 12” x 50”.
Atlas CNC Knee Mill 10” x 54”.
Bridgeport Vertical Mill

Clymax Portable Mill
Portable On-Site Spindle Grinding
Portable On-Site Boring
Inspection equipment

Ametek Electronic Group (GEMCO) Safety Meters
Toledo Transducer Tonnage Calibration Load Cells to 500 tons
4’ x 8’ Lab Grade Granite
2’ x 3’ 6-Sided inspection Granite
Straight edges to 12ft. in length
20-Ton Overhead Crane
3,500 and 10,000 Lbs. forklifts

Many assorted small tools and welding equipment.
Rigging straps, chains, eye bolts, and assorted items.

Bring the 21st Century Onto Your Job Site

Bring your industrial equipment into the 21st century by using our professionals for retrofitting. We’re overachievers, and we want to make your equipment an overachiever, too. We offer on-site analysis, dismantling, and more, making us one of the top companies in the Midwest. Our company will always provide machining equipment you can trust to get the job done, even in the most demanding environments and job sites. That’s our promise.

Over 50 Years of Dedicated Services